Credit cards, airline miles, and hotel points are the keys to unlocking luxury travel. Even if you can afford to pay cash, points and miles have the ability to help you take your travels further. You can leverage your everyday spending to drastically reduce your costs of luxury travel experiences. As a result, aspirational experiences are now more easily attainable.
However, the points and miles landscape can appear very complicated and, at times, downright confusing.
I am here to help! Whether you’re seeking to sharpen your capabilities in booking expert redemptions or to build your baseline knowledge of luxury points and miles travel, having a coach can be an incredible benefit.
Need a more solid understanding of developing a points and miles strategy?
Have questions about which products could be right for you?
Have aspirational goals for luxury airline products, destinations, and resorts?
Need a refresher on current program changes and the best ways to build your points and miles bank?
Desire a points-earning plan customized for your specific spending habits?
Welcome bonus and application rules, how to make your points work together, etc.
The most useful programs, alliances, partnerships, and inflight products.
Hotel families, collections, preferred booking programs, and aspirational properties.
Nuances that influence award rates, dynamic rates, off-peak vs peak dates, distance-based programs, region-based programs, etc.
We will prioritize our discussion based on what YOU would like to learn!
For 1-on-1 points and miles consultation (on your personal travel use), the total cost is $250 per hour. And yes, you can pay with a credit card to earn some points!
STTP Premium members receive a 20% discount.